Friday, April 11, 2014

Acting Gear

Hello Acting Fans, fellow bloggers and people of the Internet, yep, it's Friday so it's my turn to ramble on online! As to what's has been happening at H&H HQ?
Well, not much new, as me and Chris haven't been able to get our weekly meet up in this week but we have been in prep mode for us filming this Sunday.
Yep, we are indeed going to be filming the next Vlog down in our good buddy's comic shop Legacy Comics owned by one Simon Shaw in fact. Yes, once again he has very kindly lets us have the use of his shop (well, one of the up stairs rooms - we won't be actually filming in the shop as we don't want to disrupt his business!)
Legacy to the Rescue!
Chris his been doing some testing with one of the required props we bought especially for this very Vlog and I have a few odd things to pick for the shoot on Sunday too. Which is...well, I can't tell you that it'd be ruining the surprise AND the Magic of Filming! All I can say is the testing is going well so far, touch wood, and it's looking like it'll do us a solid, or at least a fairly solid but a bit wobbly.

Yes, so Shatner willing the next Vlog shall be hitting your eyeballs very soon, very soon indeed. Then it's on to the next next Vlog which is already written too! We are getting better at getting on with these (well, when we don't have that day job interference that is) as the H&H machine gets back in acting gear!

So that's it for now see you in the Future!


Vernon Harcourt

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