Wednesday, December 7, 2011


"Uh oh."
So, this Sunday gone, the british weather decided to remind us we're at it's behest by pouring it on - the rain that is. We had to scrub the intro sequence shoot which, whilst annoying, sort of worked out OK as Matt, our trusty cameraman/soundman/pretty-much-everything-else-man, was unavoidably detained by family duties. Being a father of two has it's demands, Dad's taxi being a common one.
As we beaver away with the shot footage and other behind the scenes stuff we've often got one eye on the task at hand and one on the upcoming weather. So sometimes, we look a bit like this:

"Too late."
We are still hoping to have at least the pilot episode done in time for early next year, so wish us luck (and clement weather)!

Fings crossed.

Stay tuned.

See you soon.

Vernon Harcourt
Christopher Haigh

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