Friday, July 27, 2012

The Rundown

Welcome back, fellow bloggers, and hello - lets get right down to it today. It has been a busy week at the H&H production office as on Monday we did a rough cut (very rough) of the 2nd episode and, oh boy, did it take us a while (Note to self: Shooting an episode in such long single takes is not the best idea, try get a second camera next time) it was quite hard matching it up continuity wise but in the end we did it!
And as you may know from Wednesdays blog we finished off shooting the second episode by doing the few additional shots and pick-ups we needed as well as filming the final lines. We will be going into the editing room (A.K.A. Chris’s bedroom) next week to get this episode all done and dusted.
So that what of today, what are we doing now? Well today is once again a meet up to plan the shooting of the first episode. This is going to involve a line readthrough, planning out shots, making sure to note down all the props we are going to use and where they are going to go in the episode.

2 x Actors/Writers/Whatevers meeting in a Coffee Shop? How unusual!
As a last note I have been looking over the rushes for the main body of the episode to see, which are indeed the better takes as the rough cut of the episode does still need some work. Well ,that’s it bloggers, now you're up to speed as what's happened and what is going to happen.

Until the next time that we talk (and read) together, as always, keep them home fires burning


Vernon Harcourt

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