Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Snow Blocked

Welcome back, fellow bloggers and Acting Fans, it's Wednesday so let me tell you what has been happening down here at the H&H production HQ. Well, other than a bit a planning and looking for materials for making props, not a lot.

As we feared before Christmas whilst filming 'Money' the winter weather has turned against us. Yes the snow has reinforced our current hiatus and put a bit of a stop to the production at the moment. We can’t do much as of yet, while not about to shoot a full episode we did have our fingers crossed about getting some additional coverage footage in the can. We still have loads to do. Like location scouting, finding other actors to help out, etc. but with all of this snow we can’t really get around. (Blooming snow).

So that’s it for now acting fans - keep warm, it’s bloody cold out there!

Now it’s goodnight from him and it's good night from me.


Vernon Harcourt

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