Friday, July 13, 2012

In The Can (Well, Almost)

Hello, Acting Fans, it’s Friday, it’s blog time, let’s do this!

As you well know we have been filming what is currently pecilled in as the second webisode of the series proper (episode order may change at our whims) and I can now report all the main parts of it are done. That’s the main talkie bit, a more physical comedy sequence and few other things that were needed. All that is left to do now are just two shots and this one is in the can!

So what’s next? I'll be going over and reviewing the rushes to see which shots are the best to use (Trust me, there’s quiet a bit to go through with the Lumix (my precioussss!) boosting our shooting capabilities) and then it’s on to planning, sequencing and filming the next webisode which will hopefully be the first one. (Yep, we are doing them out of sequence. We like to mix it up. Also Chris needs to get his skates on and build a prop for episode one!)

Well then, Acting Fans, I’d best back to it so, until the next time we meet and chat, as always keep the home fires burning!


Vernon Sutcliffe

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