Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Oh, Shoot!

A hearty Wednesday Welcome, Acting Fans, and it's been a busy day at the soon-to-be-former H&H HQ! Yes, we've been at it again, thanks to someone finally remembering he needed to shave only just before setting off for the Set. (Oops!)

The Goss, the Biz!
Now that picture might not look like business but let me assure you it most certainly is! Specifically the business called 'Show'. Yes, after the 2nd Bank Holiday weekend in a row, with the deadline of Vern & Co.'s big move looming ever closer, we got our skates on and ourselves together today to get on with the shoot for the final Actor's Log to be filmed at H&H HQ Mark I. Yes, that's all at the flat folks, but fear not H&H will continue!
After a brief runthrough the lines whilst sorting out our costume and props, we withstood the heat and got into the kitchen to kick things off. With a flub or two, a bit of ad-libbing and some improvisation, we got through the shoot but not without some flagrant paper and soft furnishing abuse. It is in the can after all that and having helpfully remembered to bring my flash drive stick this time meant it could go straight back to the Editing Suite with me.
Hence this rather perfunctory blog entry, I've got some uploading, trimming and pasting to do! so, yes, for now that's your lot!!!


Christopher Haigh

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