As we all know it's Valentines Day and, as those of you paying attention on Wednesday may already know, we have an extra special vlog up for just this occasion, in fact it's especially for all our fellow singletons out there - so if you're down and in need of pick-me-up what better than the POWER of laughter. So, please, let Harcourt & Haigh into your life so we can cheer you up.
What you might not know is Valentine's is a christianised spin-off of an earlier Roman festival Lupercalia that involved, well, there's no polite way to put it Horny Werewolves and whipping. So a bit of Retro-Pop might be called for too...
We are still in planning stages for the series 1, episode 6 our own white whale, so as we asked in the Wednesday blog post if there is anyone out there who would to co-star/help out and behind the scenes plpease get in touch either via the Facebook Fan Page or by the email at as we really do need some very much needed help with this episode and even past it into series two as well. We have plans to extend ourselves, gluttons for punishment we are, but to do it we need a H&H Army.
Well, that's all folks tune in next week: Na noo, na noo.
Vernon Harcourt
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