Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Guest Star

Welcome back, Acting Fans, we hope you have all enjoyed 'Googolplex' while we are still beavering away here at H&H HQ. This week has seen us shooting at the Flat for Episode 4 of the first series (probably a good job considering the current weather) and we have had a little something else to contend with, or rather someone. You see Vern has acquired an additional flatmate of sorts - his co-habitees have found themselves in possession of a wee kitten, who (occasionally - when it suits him) answers to the name of Muta.

Ready for his close up
And he sure isn't camera shy. In fact it got to the point during takes that we had to resort to Cat Bribery because, whilst his sense of continuity is great, he just couldn't really get to grips with line delivery. Due to this I've decide to stick with Vern as my co-star but I will be keeping Muta's details on file, just in case (he's actually a lot cheaper, if it comes down to it).
We did, eventually, manage to get our shots for episode 4 and a minor scene for episode 3 done and the next shoot will hopefully be this Friday, if weather and circumstances permit.
Vern has also been in touch with the Actors Workshop and we are hoping to get a meeting in soon, fings crossed. That's about it for this week as you can see we're right in the midst of things - we'll see you Friday, chaps and chapesses...


Christopher Haigh

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