Wednesday, April 18, 2012


One down, only 7 to go.

Yes, Acting fans it's been a BIG weekend for us down at the Harcourt & Haigh productions studio (with us only stopping once for our tea). We have finally done it, oh yes, it has been done at last, Mwhahahahahahah! What is it that has been done? The Pilot! The pilot is done, completed, altogether, finito, finis, in the can, it’s a W-R-A-P folks. Oh yeah! Groo-OO-oovy.

And the wait and the work has been worth it, no reshoots required, as me and my learned colleague both like it (or at least like it enough that we are willing to keep our hands off it now - otherwise we could be tweaking it forever!). Now we have also started to plan out the next episode too. (Go us!)

Now back on to that something BIG again, yes, I know what you're thinking, isn't the something BIG the pilot being done? Nope, my fellow Acting fans, it is not. Well, what is it, the something BIG that is, if not that?
It’s that on this Friday, the 20th of April, something, something, something, will happen - No foolin'. Something BIG. The Countdown clock is ticking. Tee hee. Tune in then to find out what. Oooh, I'm such a tease! Bad Vern!


Vernon Harcourt

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